Our Blog

6 min read

A clock, a cellphone, or a lightbulb – which do you think had the most significant impact on human history? Some argue for the clock.  From the second the sundial was invented, time could be measured and managed.  Work was no longer limited to nature’s boundaries. Others think the lightbulb should win the award.  When […]

understand difference between solitude loneliness at work
7 min read

Have you ever lived by a train?  Or airport?  Do you know anyone who has? It’s said that if you live by a train long enough, you won’t even hear it eventually.  You get used to the noise, the rumbling, the intrusion. It feels normal, just like our hyperconnected world of cell phone notifications. News, […]

6 min read

“Why are they lying to these kids?” That’s what comedian Chris Rock thought while attending his daughter’s high school orientation.  What lie triggered his concern? The speaker repeated a common phrase that feels like our culture’s mantra.  They said, “If you work hard enough, you can be; you can do whatever you want!” To this, […]

6 min read

How many lives do you think a Rolex could save?  This question haunted Oskar Schindler. During World War II, Schindler was instrumental in saving thousands of lives as genocide threatened to extinguish the Jewish people and more. Still, during Schindler’s List’s famous and moving closing scene, he is portrayed as looking at his watch and […]

humility workplace culture
7 min read

Have you ever been uncomfortable with doctors “practicing” medicine?  When you have a severe medical condition, most people don’t want someone practicing on them. You want solutions.  Guarantees.  You don’t want someone “practicing” on you.  You want them administrating healing! Our words matter.  Words create worlds.  They create culture.  What meaning does the word “practice” […]

leadership strategies positive conflict
6 min read

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Smoke and mirrors, threats and fears – CONFLICT. Even the slightest scent of conflict causes many to bolt out of the situation as if a 500-pound gorilla were threatening them. Conflict is uncomfortable for most people.  It’s a natural signal that something is wrong and must […]
